Welcome back my lovely readers!

In this blog, I would like to share about TED-Ed.

Have you known about this platform yet?

What is TEDEd ? 

TED-Ed is TED's youth and education initiative. TED-Ed's mission is to spark and celebrate the ideas of teachers and students around the world.

This application helps teacher to make an online platform which students can learn by themselves anywhere and anytime.

Here's the tutorial to make a lesson using TEDEd 

1. Go to https://ed.ted.com/educator

2. Find a video from YouTube related with your lesson. In here, I use a video from English with Lucy. Then click "continue".

 3. After that you can edit your lesson title in the lesson title box.

4. Next, click on "Let's Begin". You just have to give a short introduction in order to help your students understand about the lesson little bit.

5. Move to the next step, click on "Think". You have to choose whether multiple choice or open answer. Here, it's time to test your students' understanding about the lesson from the video.
If you choose multiple choice answer, you can make a question with the answers' option. Also, give a clue for the students in case if they don't know the answer.
If you choose open answer questions, you just have to make one question and your students 

 6. Then, you click on "Dig-Deeper". In here, you have to add some more explanation for your students about the topic.

7. After you give more explanation, it's time for your students to discuss the topic each other. You just click "Discuss", then you give some prompt and description of the discussion. 

8. At the end, you click on "And Finally". You have to give some conclusion about the topic briefly.

9. Voila, you click on "Publish" and all your students can access your material by visiting the URL.

Here is the example that I've been made------TEDEd

It's super easy to make an interesting activity in your class using TEDEd.
Try something new in your class to motivate your students to study. 

That's all from me and see you in the next blog.


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